We have developed, passport and ID card Browsing and our application that provides a lot of convenience, such as chip reading the inside nfcread all over the world under the influence of space Covidien 19 due to the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health's "Controlled Social Life," the scope of which was prepared by Life Frequently Eve are being integrated into mobile apps . Thanks to the NFCRead integration for registration to the Hayat Eve Sığar mobile application, it will be possible to instantly transfer the information contained in the ID Card and Passport into the Hayat Eve Sığar mobile application. Filling in long-term information and writing incorrect information during registration is prevented and it will provide ease of use for everyone from 7 to 70. In many institutions in our country and nowadays, HES Code is required everywhere for every transaction. HES Code is a mobile application prepared by the Ministry of Health. It is really nice that everything is for our country and our citizens ... We are not really trying hard to get HES Code from the system, we can proceed quickly thanks to the SMS sent to our phone. However, it is not that easy for foreigners and non-Turkish citizens coming from abroad. A form needs to be filled out and it is most important that it is accurate, but fast for the person filling out the form, Right here, we, as NFCRead, come into play. We ensure that the registration form is filled in error-free and fast. Thus, by using the Hayat Eve Sığar application, it is ensured that the visitors coming to our country from abroad can receive the HEPP Code quickly and without error. About Hayat Eve Sığar Mobile App https://hayatevesigar.saglik.gov.tr/index-eng.html
NFCREAD works without the need for a server, no additional server costs. All operations, scanning and reading steps are done on the device.
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