26 November 2020 Category: Actual
As NFCRead, we have completed our agreement to be used in the Hayat Eve Sığar Mobile application of the "Turkish Ministry of Health".
08 October 2020 Category: Actual
Swiss citizens will need a passport to enter the United Kingdom from October 1, 2021 – identity cards will no longer be accepted. This is according to an updated post-Brexit Border Operating Model published by the British government on Thursday.
28 September 2020 Category: Actual
A new more technologically advanced Identity Card started being circulated by Identity Malta.
09 October 2020 Category: Actual
Relevant agreements were reached during the meeting between Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and his British counterpart Priti Petel
14 July 2020 Category: Actual
Identity cards in the Netherlands will no longer state whether the holder is male or female, from 2024 or 2025. With this decision, the government wants to meet people who, for example, do not feel entirely male or female.
01 October 2020 Category: Actual
Yayınlanmış olan iOs 14 sürümü ile birlikte pek tabiki native geliştirme platformlarından olan Apple firmasının Xcode derleyicisi de güncelleme ile değişiklik meydana getirdi. Gelen bu güncelleme sonrası Xcode versiyon 12 olarak sürüm değiştrdi.
29 September 2020 Category: Actual
Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu (BDDK), bankalar tarafından yeni müşteri kazanımında ve müşteri kimliğinin doğrulanmasında kullanılabilecek uzaktan kimlik tespiti yöntemlerini belirlemek üzere, ‘Bankalarca Kullanılacak Uzaktan Kimlik Tespiti Yöntemlerine İlişkin Tebliğ Taslağı’ hazırladı.
11 September 2020 Category: Actual
The phenomenon of people trying to travel with falsified documents has been made worse by the pandemic and the cases stopped in Malta are a reflection of what has happened in other European borders
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